The Urban Ecosystem Design Lab, in collaboration with the City of Whyalla, is glad to invite you to the final presentations of the urban regeneration proposals developed by Masters Students of the School of Architecture and Built Environment of the University of Adelaide.
The event will conclude a fortnight’s intensive urban design studio in Whyalla coordinated by Dr Elisa Palazzo.
The projects presentations will start from 9.30 AM and will be followed by an opportunity to use 3D Augmented Reality headsets of the project work. 
All from the Whyalla community are welcome to come to try the Virtual Reality headsets and see the projects on six different areas of Whyalla.

When: Thursday morning (23rd of November) from 9.30 AM onwards.
Where:  Council Chamber, Darling Terrace, Whyalla.

Light refreshments available.

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Thank you to the City and the people of Whyalla for the strong support and for making this project possible.
Hope to see you all there